Boxwood alternative
Bloombux® – easy-care, tolerant to pruning and insensitive

The boxwood is a popular plant in garden landscaping, but has its weaknesses when it comes to care. For example, the box tree is very susceptible to some diseases and pests, such as the boxwood moth and boxwood leaf abscission. In many cases, fungal infestation, caterpillars and the like cause large-scale shoot dieback, which can ultimately lead to the death of the entire boxwood. Bloombux® is an alternative to the boxwood and is free of many of these risks: In fact, the new creative plant breed is not a boxwood, but a rhododendron. Our Bloombux® combines the positive features of a box tree with the advantages of a rhododendron. We would gladly explain the various advantages and show you why the Bloombux® is the better boxwood alternative.

Now also available in a second colour! Bloombux® Magenta

Its appealing qualities, such as tolerance to pruning and hardiness, not to mention its evergreen appearance, make the Bloombux® a genuine alternative to the box tree with impressively abundant blossoms every year in June – now also available in Magenta.

Bloombux Knospe
Bloombux Blüte
Bloombux im Kübel

Boxwood replacement Bloombux®

For many years now, owners of private ornamental gardens, parks and green spaces have been looking for a high-quality replacement for boxwood. Those who do not want to buy a boxwood, but still do not want to do without the many advantages of this plant, have had only a few equivalent alternatives until now. The Bloombux®, on the other hand, is finally a boxwood alternative worthy of the name.

Bloombux im Kübel Stadtbalkon

Bloombux im Kübel

What exactly is the Bloombux®?

The Bloombux® & Bloombux® Magenta, botanical name Rhododendron micranthum 'Microhirs 3' & 'Microhirs 9', belongs to the family of the dwarf shrubs. Just like the boxwood, the Bloombux® is hardy and can be used as a pot plant or for hedges and ground cover in the garden. If you plant the Bloombux® as an alternative box tree in your garden, you benefit from a low average height of up to 70 centimetres. This allows easy and uncomplicated care of the Bloombux®. The Bloombux® is relatively undemanding in terms of site and soil conditions. Even calcareous soils are no problem for the Bloombux®, but the soil should be loose. Another characteristic feature of the Bloombux® is the abundance of flowers that the boxwood alternative bears in the early summer months. During the high season, you may look forward to large inflorescences of up to eight centimetres in diameter that adorn the Bloombux® and thus also your garden.

The various advantages of the Bloombux® are listed again below:

Flexible in choice of location

Formation of beautiful flowers

Insensitive to typical box tree diseases

Insensitive to typical box tree pests

Relatively undemanding in care

Can easily be trimmed into shape

Bloombux® on the terrace with the 360° panoramic view.


Info: The flowers of the Bloombux® are not only an eye-catcher but also attract all kinds of useful insects. In particular bumblebees, bees and butterflies are attracted to the flowers of the box tree substitute.

Junge Frau auf Stadtbalkon mit Bloombux
Bloombux Magenta Blüten mit Biene
Bloombux Stadtbalkon
Bloombux®, Bloombux® Magenta und Nugget by Bloombux®

De buxus en de plagen

Als u een buxus koopt, moet u ervan uitgaan dat deze vroeg of laat te maken krijgt met een plaag of diverse ziekten. Bijzonder schadelijk is momenteel de buxusboorder, die vanuit Azië is ingevoerd en tot de dood van de plant kan leiden. Maar ook andere plagen en ziekten van de buxus kunnen een probleem vormen voor tuiniers. De belangrijkste reden waarom deze risico's zo groot zijn, is dat plagen alleen met veel moeite uit een buxus verwijderd kunnen worden en niet altijd

helemaal. Met de Bloombux® als buxusalternatief hoeft u niet te vrezen voor dergelijke negatieve gevolgen. Omdat de Bloombux® geen buxus is, wordt hij niet aangetast door het typische ongedierte. De buxusboorder, bijvoorbeeld, tast de Bloombux® niet aan, zodat u als tuineigenaar geen schade aan uw planten hoeft te vrezen. Dus voordat u een buxus plant en later boos wordt, moet u eens aan de Bloombux® denken als alternatief.

Bloombux Blätter
Bloombux Zünsler
Bloombux Laub

Can be planted all year round

Grows in planters and outdoors

Trimmed into shape by mid-July latest

Fertilisation in early spring and beginning of July

Can be combined with other plants

Ideal as a hedge plant

Hint: If you want to use the Bloombux® as a box tree alternative for a hedge border, you should expect three to six plants per meter, depending on the size of the Bloombux®. The Nugget by Bloombux® is particularly suitable for hedges. Latest when the flowers appear in early summer, you know exactly why you have chosen the Bloombux® as a box tree alternative.

Bloombux Bauerngarten
Bloombux Blüten
Bloombux Stadtbalkon Ambiente


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